Samsung has launched the company’s latest smartphone in J-series – Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) in India at a price tag of Rs. 8,190. The smartphone comes in Gold, Black & Pink colour and it will be available from April 27th, 2018. Originally, it was introduced back in December last year and it is the successor of Galaxy J2 (2017). The smartphone comes preloaded with Samsung Mall app, initially, it was introduced with Samsung Galaxy On7 Prime earlier this year. The app will use artificial intelligence (AI) and it let users shop online by just clicking the picture of the desired product. The company has also tied up with Reliance Jio and offer an instant cashback of Rs. 2,750 via MyJio app on recharging with Rs. 198 or Rs. 299 plan. The customers will get an additional 10GB of 4G data on every recharge for the next 10 recharges.
Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) Specifications
Display, Processor, Memory, and Operating System
On the specifications front, the Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) features 5-inch qHD Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 960×540 pixels and it is powered by 1.4GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 processor which is paired with Adreno 308 GPU & 2GB of RAM. The smartphone runs on Android 7.1 Nougat operating system with Samsung TouchWiz UI on top of it and has 16GB internal storage which can be expanded further up to 256GB via microSD card.
On the photography side, the Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) packs 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and 5-megapixel front facing the camera with LED flash for selfie & video-calling.
SIM Support, Connectivity, and Sensors
The smartphone has dual-SIM support and comes with connectivity features like 4G VoLTE Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS/A-GPS, and Micro-USB. The smartphone comes with sensors like accelerometer and a proximity sensor.
Dimensions, and Weight
The smartphone measures 143.8×72.3×8.4mm and weigh 153 grams.
The smartphone packs 2600mAh battery.
Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) features
The smartphone has a new design on the back and comes with polycarbonate finish while on the front it has a familiar design. Apart from this, the Samsung Mall app on Galaxy J2 (2018) brings key features like Visual Search, One-Stop Shop, and a Universal Cart. In addition to this, the Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) comes with a “Device Maintenance” feature that optimizes its performance. Also, there is a memory-saving proprietary “Move to Memory Card” feature that automatically directs content from social media apps to the external memory card.
Press Release Quote
Commenting on the launch, Sumit Walia, Director, Mobile business, Samsung India, said:
Galaxy J2 2018 reiterates Samsung’s commitment towards meaningful innovations that delight our customers. For this device, we focused on two trends amongst Indian youth – the growth of online shopping and high usage of Social media platforms. Samsung Mall uses artificial intelligence to revolutionize the way customers shop online with a visual search. For avid social media users, Samsung’s proprietary ‘Move to Memory Card’ feature is an advanced memory management solution that de-clutters the internal memory, thereby enhancing the smartphone experience.
Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018) Technical Specifications
- Display: 5-inch qHD Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels
- Processor: 1.4GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 425 Mobile Platform with Adreno 308 GPU
- Memory: 2GB RAM, 16GB Internal Storage, expandable memory up to 256GB via micro SD card
- Operating System: Android 7.1 Nougat with TouchWiz UI on top of it
- Rear Camera: 8MP rear camera with LED flash
- Front Camera: 5MP front camera with LED flash
- Dimensions: 143.8mm x 72.3mm x 8.4mm
- Weight: 153g
- Connectivity: 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS
- Battery: 2600mAh battery