ASUS India launched the Zenfone series, the smartphone mastering technological innovation and design perfection in July this year and customers showed a great interest in it. Since its release, Asus Zenfone 5 have even been awarded the “Budget Smart Phone of The Year – 2014” at Exhibit Tech Awards 2014.The Zenfone Series has received path breaking response from the Indian Market. Its sales surpassed 2.8 lakhs figure by end of September in India which is within just a quarter. The company has also been engaging with fans across cities by hosting #ZenMeetUp to celebrate the support received from the fans. The series has received an overall substantial response online and offline which is persistent till date.
By using Asus Zenfone 5, I can easily plan my day, make my to-do lists, manage my expenses, track my workouts, watch movies and listen to music on my phone. On the imaging front, it is equipped with Pixel Master and its camera appeals to both the shutterbugs & the selfie brigade.
As a bloggers, I need connectivity most of the times and whenever I’m travelling I prefer to read as much as I can. One thing I like Asus Zenfone 5 is that, when you push the reading more ON, you can finish your reading list without straining your eyes at all.
You can order it now and if you want to know more about the phone, watch the video below: