Xiaomi at its Mi POP event in Mumbai has launched the Mi Music and Mi Video. The Mi Music app comes with Hungama Music integration while the Mi Video app is powered by Hungama Play, SonyLiv and Voot currently, with Sun NXT, ALT Balaji, Zee5, Viu, TVF, and Flickstree coming soon. The company claims that a library of worth over 500,000 hours, 80 percent of which is free while the Mi Music offers 10 million freemium songs across 13 languages. Both the app rolled out in beta for Xiaomi users back in March and if you want to download songs for offline listening, you have to pay Rs. 899 a year for Hungama Pro.
The Mi Music is a pre-installed music app comes that comes with an interesting feature called Dynamic Lyrics, it will highlight the lyrics that are currently being sung. Xiaomi said that it’s meant to offer a karaoke-like experience and if you scroll within the lyrics, the app will skip to the favorite part of the song with just one click. Xiaomi said that the Mi Music in India has nearly 7 million Daily Active Users.
The Mi Video is a pre-installed video app that has one-tap cast function to any Smart TV with support for DLNA and Miracast. The app also supports more than 12 video formats like AVI, MP4, MOV, MKV, MKA, MPEG, and M2TS, in addition, to support for multilingual subtitles, multiple audio tracks, and private folders. It also has support for 15 Indian languages.
In coming days, the company will add personalized recommendations to both apps, Floating player (Picture in Picture), languages and Genre filter for Mi Video, and music videos, and themes for Mi Music.
Press Release Quote
Commenting on the launch, Manu Jain, Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing Director, Xiaomi India on the occasion of the launch said:
Xiaomi’s core belief lies in providing high-quality products with the best specs, at an honest pricing. We are able to do this because of our business model — we provide our smartphones and other hardware at affordable pricing, aiming to monetize our MIUI Internet services in the long run. With the launch of these two apps Mi Music and Mi Video, we hope to serve millions of Xiaomi smartphone users with a better user experience through enhanced Internet services.
Neeraj Roy, Managing Director & CEO, Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. said:
We are delighted to launch Hungama Music on Mi Music. We are committed to delivering the best of content with unlimited playlists to the highly engaged Mi Fan community and with this launch, we take our partnership with Xiaomi to the next level. In the coming months, we will bring more exciting features including gamification and continue to build on the rich user experience.