Vodafone India announced that they have reduced the 2G data rates for the Pay As You Go (PAYG) users up to 80%. The charges are down to 2p/10KB as compared to previous rate 10p/10KB. New rates are applicable to both pre-paid and post paid customers.
According to a press release
The overall internet penetration in India is low while the mobile penetration is several times higher. Most consumers will discover the power of the internet via the mobile. We, at Vodafone, want to accelerate mobile internet adoption through penetration, consumption and value addition. This 80% reduction in data charges for customers using 2G network is an important step in this direction and we are confident that this move will facilitate in faster adoption and better usage.
As of now, the new rates are currently introduced only in Karnataka, UP West and Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh circles and would be rolled out in other circles across India in a phased manner. With the new rates, Vodafone is trying to bring cheaper internet across to its customers.