Vodafone India has launched a new 3G USB Dongle – K3800 with data transfer speed up to 14.4Mbps (nearly twice the speeds of normal dongles) at an initial price of Rs 1,750 and it is available on all major Vodafone retail stores across India. Vodafone K3800 USB Dongle comes in Black, Red and Dual Tone White & Red colours.
According to a press release, Vivek Mathur, Chief Commercial Officer, Vodafone India said,
“At Vodafone, we always seek to provide the best products and services at great value for money, to our customers. The launch of Vodafone K3800 3G dongle is well timed to meet the demand for high speed mobile data services. High speed of up to 14.4 Mbps, affordable price and live web chat for support, will make high speed mobile internet accessible to a wider audience base.”
The Plug-in and Play dongle supports all major Operating Systems like Window 8, Mac, Linux, Fedora and Ubuntu and comes with MicroSD card support with expandable memory of up to 32GB. It has an interactive and customised landing page that offers an engaging experience to subscribers with easy access to various services like email and social networking site updates as well as ability to customise the settings and widgets. Additionally, the landing page provides direct access to Live Web Chat support for the users – a first of its kind feature for any dongle. It also lets users send and receive SMS and has phone book functionality.
Features of Vodafone K3800 3G USB Dongle
- HSPA+ 14.4 Mbps DL and 5.76Mbps UL speed
- Micro SD Card Slot (up to 32GB)
- GSM quad-band: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
- UMTS 2100
- Plug and play
- Receive and send SMS from computer
- Setting Data usage limit alert –for usage in MB or as per time
- Interactive & Customised Landing Page with direct access to live web chat support
- Phone Book functionality
- Three Colour Options – Black, Red and Dual Tone White & Red.