Videocon India launched a new Android smartphone – Videocon A55HD at an initial price of Rs 13,400. Videocon A55HD features 5-inch OGS capacitive display offering 1280*720 pixels resolution, powered by 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, running Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean, 4GB of internal storage which can be expanded to 32GB using a microSD card slot. It has 8MP rear camera with auto-focus which can take up to 40 continuous shots on burst mode and 3.2-megapixel camera on front. Other features include a 2000mAh battery, wireless connectivity support for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS/A-GPS. The Videocon A55HD also comes with pre-loaded V-store on the phone, which ports Android apps from the Play Store.
According to a Press Release, Khalid Zamir Head Product Planning & Development, Videocon Mobiles Division said,
“The launch of Videocon A55HD heralds a new milestone, as with this device we bring to our customers best-in-class technological innovations, which we are offering at a compelling price. The A55HD brings the best of ‘high definition’ technology, processing speed, camera quality and many more features relevant to the upwardly mobile, technology savvy and brand-conscious user.”
Videocon A55HD Android Smartphone Specifications
- 5-inch OGS capacitive display
- 1280*720 pixels resolution
- 1.2GHz quad-core processor
- 8MP rear camera and 3.2-megapixel camera on front
- 2,000 mAh battery
- Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean OS