Looks like nothing is impossible for hackers? Now hackers can easily access your car via SMS – shocked? Yes, its true, computer security researchers Don Bailey and Mathew Solnik from iSec Partners, discovered a way to unlock car doors and even start some car engines remotely using SMS sent from laptop.
These two researchers intercepted the wireless messages that flow between software based systems like OnStar and cars. By using this, they were able to crack the protocol behind the systems and then duplicate it with a laptop in just two hours.
In addition to this, they have managed to use hack on different systems and unlock other vehicles too. This system has been named as “War Texting” and will be presenting this at Black Hat Conference which will happened later this week. The best thing I like, is that they haven’t release any technical details until this exploit have been patched.
[Via] NetworkWorld [Image Credit] Shutterstock