Uninor has signed a contract with Huawei India to modernise its entire telecom network across all its cities. Al 24,000 base stations will be swapped with new equipments that are efficient & future ready. The deal also involves Huawei will become the manages service partner of Uninor. With this deal, Uninor will offer advanced internet services to the mass market customers.
Vivek Sood, CEO, Telewings Communications Services (Uninor) said,
“We are glad to partner with Huawei on this transformational project that builds our network to be future ready. With this ambitious drive, we will be able to offer any advanced internet service to our customers and provide a superior experience both on voice and internet. Being a mass market player, we continue to focus on building our capabilities to offer better internet and voice services at Sabse Sasta prices.”
Mr. Baker Zhou, Vice President, Huawei,
“It is our privilege to collaborate with Uninor India and I am happy to inform you that this is part of Huawei’s larger global Telenor partner engagement. In this project, we will modernise the existing BTS and install new single RAN green BTS which are future technology ready. This will provide superior voice and data quality, lower power consumption and better spectral efficiency. With our cutting-edge NGN and customer-centric model we will enable Uninor to a smooth transition towards future technologies.”
This new network modernisation will enhance Uninor’s network capacity to offer superior experience both on voice and internet. With energy efficient and better coverage infrastructure, Uninor will deploy green energy solutions that will optimise network cost & improve indoor coverage to further strengthen Uninot’s “Sabse Sasta” position, as said in a press release.
The project will be spread over a period of three years and aims to modernise Uninor’s existing network with Huawei’s new architecture, platforms and equipment. This will enable Uninor to be future ready to address the exponential data growth in India.