In an event in Bengaluru, Tata Sky touted as India’s leading content distribution platform across DTH and OTT has launched a new platform called the Tata Sky World Screen. The Tata Sky World Screen service will offer the subscribers carefully hand picked bouquet of International entertainment content that ranges from movies to TV shows from Hollywood and other regions. The Tata Sky World Screen service will cost Rs. 75 per month. The subscription fee will be in addition to what one is already paying for the monthly Tata Sky DTH package. In general, the content offered by Tata Sky World Screen platform is of over 650 hours.
The Tata Sky World Screen will be ad-free and that can be accessed with or without an internet connection being available 24*7. Apart from this, Tata Sky claimed that the content shown on World Screen will be exclusive and has never been available on Indian television ever before. The content will be available to subscribers on multiple devices including smartphone, tablets, and TV sets through the Set Top Box, Tata Sky Mobile App, and the Tata Sky web app.
Tata Sky World Screen will feature prime content from across geographies & multiple languages like Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Belgium, Israel, Cuba, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Hindi, Swahili, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. The content which is not in English will have subtitles and some of the videos will be dubbed in English.
The library is a mix of exclusive series and movies from across the globe. In addition to this, the platform will feature some of the top Hollywood stars and include familiar franchises, and there will be “TV Series Box Sets Premiere”, it will showcase acclaimed movies such as Wallander, Happy Valley, Code 37, Team Chocolate, Prisoners of War and Babylon Berlin. There will also be two movie premieres a month from World Cinema. Apart from this, there will also be two movie premiers a month from world cinema. The Drama series will include an exquisite mix of critically acclaimed British, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian and Canadian crime, thriller, and noir shows – along with several international series.
The prime aim of the Tata Sky World Screen is to offer its subscriber a rich trove of films and TV services from around the world across a wide range of genres on multiple screens whether it’s television, laptop or mobile device.