Spice Mobiles has launched the company’s latest flagship smartphone – Spice Pinnacle FHD Mi-525 in India at an initial price of Rs 16,990 and it is available from online retailer Shaolic. Spice Pinnacle FHD Mi-525 comes with features like 5.0-inch (1920*1080 pixels) display, powered by 1.5GHz quad-core processor, runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, 1GB of RAM and 8GB internal memory which is expandable up to 32GB. It has 8-megapixel auto focus rear camera with dual LED Flash & 5-megapixel front-facing camera. It has dual SIM support with dual standby and comes with Pop-up play to play, Flip to Mute to mute the calls, Intelligent Answer, Direct Call and Spice Cloud backup support with seamless data sync and 2GB of free data storage.
Spice Pinnacle FHD Mi-525 Specifications
- 5-inch (1920*1080 pixels) Full HD display
- 1.5 GHz quad-core processor
- Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
- Dual SIM (3G + 3G) with Dual Standby
- 8 MP auto focus camera with dual LED Flash, 1080p Full HD video recording
- 2 MP front-facing camera
- 3G HSPA+, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, aGPS
- 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, expandable memory up to 32GB
- Proximity Sensor / Gyro Sensor / Ambient Light Sensor / G-Sensor
- 2100mAh Li-ion-Polymer battery