Sony has launched the company’s latest smartphone in the M series – Sony Xperia M5 Dual in India at a price tag of Rs. 37,990. It comes in Black & Gold colours and it is available at Sony Centres, Sony Smartphone Lounges and all leading retail outlets across India starting from today. Originally, it was announced last month.
On the specifications, it features 5-inch Full HD IPS display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and it comes with Mobile BRAVIA Engine 2. It is powered by 2.2GHz MedaiTek Helio X10 MT6795T Octa-Core 64-bit processor which is paired with PowerVR G6200 GPU & 3GB of RAM. It runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop and has 16GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 200GB by using microSD card.
On the imagining front, it features 21.5-megapixel rear-camera with with 0.25-second Hybrid Autofocus, LED flash, 4K video recording and 13-megapixel front-facing camera for selfie & video-calling.
It has dual-SIM support and connectivity features like 4G LTE / 3G HSPA+ , WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4/5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.1, GPS, NFC.
It packs 2600mAh battery.
It comes with water and dust-proof protection.