Sony has launched the company’s latest selfie-focused smartphone – Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual smartphone in India at a price tag of Rs. 29,990. it comes in black, White and a glossy soft mint colours and will be available across india starting this week. Originally, it was announced earlier this month.
On the specifications front, it features 6-inch Full HD IPS display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and it comes with Mobile BRAVIA Engine 2. it is powered by 1.7GHz Octa-Core MediaTek MT6752 processor which is paired with Mali-T760 MP2 GPU at 700MHz & 2GB of RAM. It runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop and has 16GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 200GB by using microSD card.
On the imaging front, it features 13-megapixel rear-camera with LED flash and 13-megapixel front-facing camera with Slefie flash for selfie & video-calling.
It has dual-SIM support and connectivity features like 4G LTE / 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n , Bluetooth 4.1, GPS, NFC.
It packs 2930mAh battery with STAMINA mode.