Sony India has launched the company’s latest portable Bluetooth speaker – SRS-X11 at Rs. 5,490 and SRS-X55 at Rs. 16,990 in India. The SRS-X55 comes in Black colour and SRS-X11 comes in Black, White, Red and Blue colour. Both the portable speaker will be available from 6th May. Both the portable Bluetooth speaker are sleek & trendy and make it easier for music to conveniently listen & share their favourite tracks in great sound quality. Both speakers have compact design and can be instantly connected to devices & stream music. In addition to this, these speakers can also be used to answer phone calls too.
SRS-X55 has premium design and comes with super clear sound. With Sony’s S-Master, DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) and ClearAudio technologies when combined together to improve the bass, clarity and restore audio quality to deliver rich, refined sounds. It is powered by 2.1 channel system and dual passive radiators that delivers beat-dropping output power of 30W. It comes with interchangeable battery that lasts for 10 hours offering long hours of great music.
SRS-X11 comes with superb surround sound with twin speakers and it is the smallest speaker in this range. It has dimensions of 61mm x 61mm x 61mm cube-design and it combines the power of 10W with two passive radiators, offering rich deep bass. You can use the Speaker add function to connect two SRS-X11 units together, to either create twice the sound power in Double mode or split the sound signal to enjoy real stereo sound in Stereo mode. It also comes with built-in rechargeable battery which offers 12 hours of backup. It comes with a silicon strap for easier portability.
Specifications of Sony SRS-X11 And SRS-X55 Bluetooth Speaker
SRS-X55 | SRS-X11 | ||
Section of Speaker | Speakers
Frequency Range |
Approx. 38mm diameter x2/ Subwoofer: Approx. 58mm diameter x1 Dual passive radiators 60-20,000Hz |
Approx. 45mm diameter x1 dual passive radiators
150-20,000Hz |
Section of Amplifier | Maximum Output Power | 30W: Full range: 5W x 2/ Subwoofer: 20W x 1 (AC Adaptor) 20W: Full range: 3W x 2/ Subwoofer: 14W x 1 (Battery) |
10W: Full range: 10W x 1 |
Section of Bluetooth | Communication System
Output Maximum Communication Range Radio Frequency Modulation Compatible Bluetooth Profiles Supported Codec Transmission Bandwidth |
Bluetooth Specification Version 3.0
Bluetooth Specification Power Class 2 Line of sight Approx. 10m 2.4GHz band (2.4000GHz – 2.48345GHz) FHSS A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP SBC, AAC, LDAC 20Hz – 20,000Hz (with 44.1kHz sampling) |
Bluetooth Specification Version 3.0
Bluetooth Specification Power Class 2 Line of sight Approx. 10m 2.4GHz band (2.4000GHz – 2.4835GHz) FHSS A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP SBC 20Hz-20,000 (with 44.1kHz sampling) |
Connection | NFC
Bluetooth Speaker Add Function |
Audio-in, DC IN (15V)/USB terminal (only for charging smartphone) No |
Audio-in / Micro-USB terminal (for charging speaker itself) Yes |
Sound | Clear Audio+
Yes |
No |
Microphone | Type
Directionality |
Electlet Condenser Type
Omni directional |
Electlet Condenser Type
Omni directional |
General Information | Power
Battery Life Dimension (WHD) Weight Supplied Acc. |
AC/Built-in Lithium-ion Battery
Approx. 10H Approx. 221mm x 118 x 51mm Approx. 1.2kg AC adapter (1) Leather carrying case (1) |
Electlet Condenser Type
Approx. 12H DC/Built-in Lithium-ion Battery Approx. 215g Micro USB cable (1), Strap (1) |