SkullCandy has launched the company’s latest and upgraded version of grind headphones in India – Grind Wireless headphones. The SkullCandy Grind wireless headphones costs Rs. 6,499 and it uses Bluetooth for audio transmission. The previous version of Grind headphone is still available at a price tag of Rs. 2,500. Initially, the SkullCandy Grind Wireless headphones available excusably at Croma for one month while it is expanded to other stores all over the country as well as online.
Commenting on the launch, Amlan Bhattacharjya, founder and CEO of Brandeyes Distributors Pvt. Ltd, the official distributor for Skullcandy in India, said:
“Our wireless product innovations were well-received in 2015. Grind Wireless will continue our mission to launch headphone in style that change consumers’ expectations of Bluetooth product’s aesthetics and acoustic performance.”
The Grind Wireless features a similar design and look a like as of the Grind 2.0 but the updated version comes with integrated amplifier to enhance the sound over Bluetooth.
The headset offers a battery life of up to 12 hours on a full charge while the right earcup integrates microphone, call, track and volume controls to easily control the headset and music.