In an event in New Delhi, Honeywell has launched its electronic essentials range in India at a starting price tag of Rs. 339. The electronic essentials range includes products like surge protectors, cables, car chargers and adapters and the company will launch these products in collaboration with distributor Secure Connection.
Speaking at the launch, Mohit Anand, CEO, Secure Connection said:
“We aspire to be the most trusted go-to brand for electronic essentials. We are excited to launch our new line of Honeywell Electronic Essentials, which will provide consumers a rich and seamless connected experience with their electronics.”
“Today, four screens dominate people’s digital lives – the smartphone, the television, the PC/laptop, and the tablet. Our range of products will help consumers derive a much more meaningful and deeper experience out of their core device or screen, regardless of whether they are home, at work, or on the go”, he added.
Vikas Chadha, President, Honeywell India, said:
“Everybody wants better connectivity and operability for their gadgets on-the-go, so this launch will expand Honeywell’s presence in the consumer market in India. We’re excited about this licensing partnership because it will put a Honeywell Electronic Essentials product in every consumer’s pocket.”
All the products mentioned above comes with a three-year warranty and with easy replacement policy. All the Honeywell electronic essentials product range will be available for sale from September 22, 2016 onwards, throughout the country.