Earlier Samsung announced the galaxy Gear smartwatch to compete with the Pebble smartwatch and now today Samsung announced the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo ahead of MWC 2014. If you do not know, the Galaxy Gear 2 is an upgrade to the Galaxy Gear and the upgraded version features the camera on screen rather than in the strap and there is no camera present in Gear 2 Neo. The Galaxy branding has been dropped and the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo powered by Tizen (Samsung’s own operating system) instead of Android.
Gear 2 features a 1.63-inch Super AMOLED touch screen display has a 320 x 320 resolution for 278ppi, powered by 1GHz dual-core processor, 4GB storage and 512MB RAM. It has 2-megapixel autofocus camera that can shoot 720p, 30fps video. It packs 300mAh battery and it is claimed to stay 3-2 days at typical use and 6-days with low usage. The watch incorporates S Voice, a heart rate monitor, pedometer for health related applications.
Both smartwatches are IP67 certified meaning dust and water resistance. Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo capable of controlling household devices using the WatchOn Remote applications & built-in IrLED Sensor. Although the calls can still be made and received on the Galaxy Gear 2 and Neo, thanks to the built-in mic and speaker.
New features include Flashlight, Calculator and Quick settings options. The Gear can also be sued as a standalone music player (with 4GB onboard) with a Bluetooth headset and speaker – ideal for running without your phone. Other apps mentioned BMW, CNN, PayPal, Garmin, VW and Under Armour. The home screen is customizable and different straps can be swapped to suit the user’s outfit. In addition to this, both devices comes with sensors for fitness including a hear sensor, pedometer, gyroscope & accelerometer and these sensor allow standalone running and walking tracking, as well as companion cycling and hiking tracking. The watch can also be used to track sleep and Samsung claims, stress levels.
The Gear 2 weighs in at 68 grams and will be available starting April in a range of colors including charcoal black, gold brown and wild orange. The gear Neo on the other hand weighs a lighter 55 grams and also comes with a Mocha Grey hue. TheGear 2 and Gear 2 Neo will be compatible with more than 12 Samsung phones at launch. Pricing is yet to be announced.