Earlier, last month Samsung launched its Gear S Smartwatch in India at a price tag of Rs. 28,900 and earlier this week Samsung started taking pre-orders for the Gear S. Now the smartwatch with built-in SIM card slot is available for purchase from their official eStore at a price tag of Rs. 27,900. It is Rs. 1,000 cheaper when compared to the launch price.
On the specifications front, it features 2-inch (360 x 480 pixels) curved Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 360 x 480 pixels and it is powered by 1GHz dual-core processor which is paired with 512MB of RAM. it runs on Tizen based wearable platform and has 4GB in-built memory.
It enables you to make & receive calls without connecting to a device and it also offers 3G support. It has IP67 certification for dust and water-resistant and connects to device using Bluetooth 4.1 LE. It comes with a Heart Rate sensor to monitor your heart-rate.
It packs 3,000mAh Li-Ion battery and offers 2 days of battery life.