Samsung India has launched the revolutionary Galaxy S4 Zoom in India at an initial price of Rs 29,900 and it is available in white & black colours. Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom has 16MP BSI CMOS Sensor lets the user to capture beautiful images in all light conditions from far away or from close up. In addition to this, the built-in Optical Image Stabilizer reduces blur & stabilizes the image which results in high-quality photos and video. The Xenon flash is useful for high quality images in low-light conditions. There is also a 1.9MP front facing camera.
Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom has Samsung Hub – a one-stop destination for all latest music, videos, books & games and Google Play Store allows users to connect directly with their Samsung devices so that they can listen and play together without any need for Wi-Fi or cellular signal. Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom launched with an attractive introductory offer like interest free EMI offer for 6 months, free Flip Cover and 2GB of 3G Data for free per month for 3 months from Reliance.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom Features:
Photo Suggest – It instantly connects you to huge libraries of images taken by fellow photographers, to help you find and compose your best shots anywhere in the world.
Smart Mode – The user can simply choose from a series of pre-set modes and the camera will automatically adjust to make sure you capture the best photo possible.
In-Call Feature – It allows users capture and send an image directly via MMS to whoever he/she is talking to.
Story Album – It lets the users arrange all the treasured images and videos into one timeline to share with friends and loved ones.
Specifications of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom:
- 4.3 inch super AMOLED display
- 960 x 540 pixels resolution
- 1.5 GHz dual core processor
- 1.5 GB RAM
- 8 GB internal memory
- 16 MP primary camera with 10x optical zoom
- 1.9 MP front facing camera
- Google Android v4.2 Jelly Bean
- 2330 mAh battery