Samsung has launched the company’s latest smartphone in the new On series – Samsung Galaxy On5 & Samsung Galaxy On7 in India at a price tag of Rs. 8,990 & 10,990 respectively. The Samsung Galaxy On5 comes in Black & Gold colour while the Samsung Galaxy On7 comes in White & Gold colours. Both the smartphones will be available exclusively from Flipkart starting today with launch offers.
Commenting on the launch, Manu Sharma, Director-Product Marketing, Samsung India Electronics said:
Young India today is always on the move, looking to be connected all the time. This straddles across all sections and India being a value driven market, consumers want to be more productive every moment, every day. From excelling in professional lives to creating their identity in today’s digital era, the new Samsung Galaxy On5 and Galaxy On7 will enable millennials to seamlessly integrate their personal and professional lives by bringing engaging propositions like MixRadio and My Galaxy.
On the specifications front, both the smartphone has 5-megapixle front-facing camera for selfie & video-calling and runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system. Both the smartphone has 1.5GB of RAM and 8GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 128GB via microSD card. Both the smartphone runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system.
Samsung Galaxy On7 vs Samsung Galaxy On5
Both the smartphone has 4G LTE connectivity with support for LTE bands for India and have dual SIM support. These smartphones comes with Ultra Data Saving mode powered by Opera Max that let users promises up to 50% savings in data across all the content. It also has MixRadio that is available exclusively for Samsung devices with music catalogue of over 32 million tracks.