Samsung along with Galaxy J7 Prime also launched the company’s latest smartphone – Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime in India at a price tag of Rs. 14,790. It comes in Black & Gold colour and it will be available by the end of September, 2016. It is the upgraded version of the Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016) which was launched in India for Rs. 13,990. At such a price tag, it will compete with Lenovo ZUK Z1, Moto G4 Plus and few more. The Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime flaunts metal frame design and fingerprint sensor embedded in the home button. The smartphone also comes with features like S Power Planning and S Secure. The smartphone comes with Vodafone data offer where users have to pay for 1GB of data and they get 9GB of data free for three months.
Samsung S Power Planning Feature
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Manu Sharma, Vice President, Mobiles business, Samsung Electronics India said:
“At Samsung, we are committed to continued innovation, inspired by the deep understanding and insights from our wide range of consumers. The Galaxy J5 Prime come with the latest ‘Make for India’ innovations, ‘S Power Planning’ and ‘S Secure™’ for smart power management and increased privacy & security on your smartphones respectively. The devices have a premium full metal body design, powerful processor and fingerprint sensor for an enriching consumer experience. With the combination of these latest innovations and features, the new smartphones will ensure that consumers will ‘Stay in Charge’ & ‘Stay Secure’.”
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On the specifications front, it features 5-inch HD display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and it is protected by 2.5D curved Corning Gorilla Glass 4. It is powered by 1.4GHz quad-core EXYNOS processor which is paired with 2GB of RAM. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system with Samsung TouchWiz UI on top of it and it has 16GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 256GB via microSD card.
On the photography front, it features 13-megapixel rear-camera with LED flash and 5MP front-facing camera for selfie & video-calling.
Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime Camera Features And Image Quality
It has dual-SIM support and connectivity features like 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS.
It packs 2400mAh battery.