In an event in New Delhi, Ringing Bells has launched the company’s latest 31.5-inch HD TV, 6 new phones (4 feature phones & 2 smartphone), 3 power banks. In addition to this, it is also said that, the company will ship the 5000 units of Freedom 251 smartphone starting from July 8th. Later on, after receiving the feedback from users, company will ship the 2 lakh units too. At the launch event, it also said that the final unit of the Freedom 251 will be much better when compared to the prototype which was show during the launch.
Commenting on the launch, Mohit Goel, Director, Ringing Bells, said:
“We are focused producers who keep a tight perceptive on Bill On Material (BOM), value engineering, productivity, cost of sales, economy of sale etc. in mind while deciding the price of their products. It is for this reason that we have been able to pull out stunning deals for our customers and we will keep doing so.
For distribution of the products we will be utilizing online and offline channels. For offline we have an extensive network of distributors and retailers gridding our phase 1 target geography.”
The company didn’t reveal the specifications of HD LED TV and will start shipping it from August 15th. It costs Rs. 9,990 and will start taking orders for it soon. The payments can done by cash-on-delivery.
The four feature phone are – Hit, King, Boss and Raja that are priced at Rs. 699, Rs. 899, Rs. 999 and Rs. 1099, respectively.
The Android smartphones are Elegant and Elegance are priced at Rs. 3,999 and Rs. 4,499, respectively.
The Ringing Bells RB Power 4000mAh, RB Power Plus 5500mAh and RB Smart 8000mAh power banks are priced at Rs. 399, Rs. 499 and Rs. 699, respectively.
The company said that it will be assembling the products at a facility for the phase 1 and has plans of manufacturing for the later stages.