Panasonic India has launched the company’s latest and world’s first 20-inch tablet PC with 4K resolution display for enterprise customers – The Panasonic Toughpaf FZ-Y1 in India at a price tag of Rs. 2.4 lakhs. Originally, it was first showcase at the CES 2013 and it is built to transform the efficiency & productivity across range of business verticals.
Speaking on the launch, Mr. Gunjan Sachdev, National Business Head, Toughbook, Panasonic India, said:
“As an industry leader in the enterprise space, Panasonic’s newest tablet PC is a pioneering device which is unrivalled in the large screen 4K tablet segment. The FZ-Y1 is our newest enhancement of our Toughpad portfolio, prioritizing the mobility infrastructure of businesses with a large format, high-resolution display. Panasonic offers complete customization of its rugged IT devices, which are enterprise-focused and designed to cater to a range of business verticals. We have designed this model in response to customer input, offering an unprecedented monitor capability for professionals who desire technological innovation in a one-stop tablet PC.”
On the specifications front, it features 10-inch 10 finger capacitive multi-touchscreen display with a resolution of 3840 x 2560 pixels at 230 ppi and protected by scratch resistant glass, which can withstand drop resistance up to 76 cm. It is powered by Intel Core i5-5300U vPro processor (2.3 GHz, 3MB Intel Smart Cache) & 8GB of DDRL SDRAM. It runs on Windows 8.1 pro operating system and has 256 GB Solid State Drive which can be expanded further up to 64GB via microSD card.