OverCart has announced that they will be selling the refurbished and unboxed units of 64GB OnePlus 2 smartphone starting January 25th at a price tag of Rs. 18,749 & Rs. 19,899 respectively. Just for your information, over the last one year, Overcart solding refurbished & unboxed units of OnePlus. Above all, according to company, six-month manufacturer warranty from OnePlus is also available on these products.
Commenting on the announcement, Saurabh Dubey, Head of Strategic Alliances, Overcart.com, said:
“We’ve been receiving overwhelming response to flash sales of OnePlus handsets. In the first OnePlus One sale, our stock sold out in 15 minutes. In the second sale, it took all of 4 minutes! Ever since the launch of the OnePlus 2, our customers have been asking us about the availability of unboxed and refurbished handsets—so we have been looking forward to this sale eagerly as well.”
Overcart also said that, they will bring attractive cashback options for customers during this sale and the first 50 confirmed orders will get up to Rs. 500 cashback on their purchase. According to the company, “Prior to the sale, all the devices will undergo Overcart’s proprietary quality check diagnosis to ensure best in class quality, performance and customer satisfaction.”
The registration for the are live now and interested buyers can register at Overcart website for notifications. The flash sale will start at 2:00 P.M. onwards on January 25th and it will remain lasts till the stock.