Oppo India has launched the Big Monson Offer and under this offer, Oppo India is offering up to 40% discount on selected models and it includes Oppo Neo 3, Oppo Yoyo, Oppo Find 5 mini and Mirror 3 smartphones. The Oppo Mirror 3 launched at Rs. 16,990 earlier this year and is now available at a price tag of Rs. 12,990, the price of Oppo Find 5 mini launched at Rs. 14,990 and now it is available for Rs. 9,990. This offer will start from July 10th across India and there is no word when will the offer lasts.
Commenting on this new offer, Tom Lu, CEO, OPPO Mobiles India said:
“With the onset of monsoon, we have decided to come up with ‘Big Monsoon Offer’ to further strengthen our bond with the customers. There are attractive offers available and we are sure that this competitive offer will excite customers who are looking for handsets with innovative technologies at affordable price.”
“Our product offerings are amazing and our devices have something unique to offer to each individual. We have provided discounts in each category so that consumers experience the best in class technology at affordable rates.”