Earlier Nokia launched the Nokia X in India at an initial price of INR 8,599 and already in previous post we compared Nokia X with Lumia 520, Moto X, Nokia x+ and Nokia XL and Nokia Asha 502. Now in this post we are comparing Nokia X with Nokia Asha 503. If you do not know, Nokia X runs on forked version of Android whereas Nokia Asha 503 runs on Asha platform and both devices are dual-SIM.
Comparing Specifications Of Nokia X vs Nokia Asha 503
Features |
Nokia X |
Nokia Asha 503 |
Display |
4.0-inches IPS LCD display with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels |
3.0-inch LCD display with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels |
Processor |
1GHz Dual core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Processor |
– |
Memory |
512 MB RAM, internal storage of 4GB which is expandable up to 32GB via microSD cad |
128MB RAM, internal storage expandable up to 32GB via microSD card |
Operating System |
Android Nokia X 1.0 UI |
Nokia Asha platform 1.2 |
Camera |
3-megapixels fixed camera |
5-megapixel rear-camera with LED flash |
Micro SIM |
Yes |
Yes |
Dimensions (WxHxD) |
115.5 x 63 x 10.4 mm |
102.6 x 60.6 x 12.7 mm |
Weight |
129 gram |
111 gram |
Battery |
1500mAh |
1200mAh |