Nokia has introduced its latest mobile accessory – the new Nokia BH-121 Bluetooth stereo headset. The BH-121 headset is a square device sized similarly to an iPod shuffle, and comes in different Lumia colors – cyan, red, yellow and black. The device ships with a pair of headphones, has a built-in 3.5mm jack and a microUSB port for charging. The New BH-121 has also built-in NFC for one-tap pairing.
The Nokia BH-121 Bluetooth stereo headset measures 39x39x12mm and can be attached to your clothing using a secure clip. It looks like like a screen-less music player. The BH-121 headset has a single button for playing music and taking calls. There are volume controls, Bluetooth, and track control buttons arranged along the edges for easy access. A battery life indicator via an LED light is found.
The headset is equipped with NFC and Bluetooth for pairing with your phone. You can pair it to your handset the old fashioned Bluetooth way, or just tap your NFC-enabled smartphone against the headset to be instantly connected. There’s also multi-point support if you want to connect two devices.
Features of Nokia BH-121 NFC Bluetooth Stereo Headset:
- Supports advanced Bluetooth features like HFP/HSP and/or A2DP/AVRCP profiles.
- Comes with noise blocking in-ear headphones (WH-208) that provide a clear and powerful sound.
- You can attach your favorite headphones through 3.5mm jack, if you wish, and still use the BH-121′s controls.
- Keeping track of the battery life is done via the indicator LED.
- Windows Phone Live Tile support is enabled providing battery life and connectivity status right from your Start screen on your Lumia.
Nokia says the headset supports advanced Bluetooth features that includes the Nokia Lumia 1520, Lumia 1320, Lumia 1020, Lumia 925, Lumia 625, Lumia 525, and the Asha 503 and Asha 501 (without the Live tile support) and many more.
The BH-121 will be available in stores later this month priced at €39 ($53.50).