Finally after a bit wait, Google India has released the Nexus 5 smartphone in the Indian market today at an initial price of 28,999 for 16GB and 32,999 for 32GB. Earlier, the Nexus 5 listed as coming soon after the global announcement and now you can order one for yourself or gift anyone from Google Play Store. The Nexus 5 is available in both White & Black color and the Play store listing shows that the Nexus 5 orders would be shipped in 1-2 business days till the stocks lasts. For your information, Nexus 5 released with limited stocks so if you are looking to grab a Nexus 5 hurry-up to place your order on priority basis.
Originally, the Nexus 5 announced on October 31st and it features a 4.95-inch full HD display with Corning Gorilla Glass, 2.26GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM and 8MP rear camera with optical image stabilisation. The phone also comes with 1.3MP front camera, 2,300mAh battery.
If you do not know, Nexus 5 is the first Android device to run on Android 4.4, the latest Android version and some of the features are the new Google launcher, update Hangouts app with SMS integration, built-in cloud print and a revamped phone app.
So, now let us know that you are going to buy Nexus 5 or not from Google Play Store via comments!