Spice Mobile in partnership with Flipkart launched the Nexian brand in India. Nexian launched the budget Android smartphone – Nexian NV-45 at a price tag of Rs. 3,799. It comes in Grey & Black colour and it is available exclusively on Flipkart. If you do not know, Nexian launched the Nexian Air Chromebook in India earlier this year. The smartphone is bundled with the Airtel surprises offer, customers who upgrade their mobile device on Airtel prepaid will also be entitled to get exciting gifts ranging from double data benefits, free data for up to a year, tablets, Bluetooth speakers, headsets, etc. This offer can be availed by both existing and new customers.
Commenting on the exclusive launch, Mr Amandeep Singh, CEO, Spice Mobiles said:
“India has the world’s largest youth population who are forever seeking great technology products at pocket friendly prices. Catering to this need of young consumers, we are pleased to launch the internationally successful smartphone brand Nexian in India, which will be exclusively available online on Flipkart for our young consumers. Nexian combines high utility functions with a great aesthetic finish to deliver a memorable product experience.”
Adding to this Vignesh Ramakrishnan, Director, Flipkart said:
“Smartphones are a big rage amongst the student community today. A device backed by good specs and new-age technology is an absolute hit with them. We are happy to introduce an international smartphone brand ‘Nexian’ by Spice mobiles exclusively on Flipkart which is globally popular amongst youngsters. Known for its superior technology at affordable price range, this new addition by Spice mobiles will be sync well with the relevant requirements of our younger shoppers.”
On the specifications front, it features 4.5-inch FWVGA display with a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels and it is protected by Dragontrail Glass. It is powered by 1.2GHz quad-core Spreadtrum SC7731 processor which is paired with Mali-400 MP2 GPU & 1GB of RAM. It runs on Android 4.4 KitKat and has 8Gb in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 32GB via microSD card.
On the imaging front, it features 5MP rear-camera with LED flash and 3.2MP front-facing camera for selfie & video-calling.
It has dual-SIM support and connectivity features like 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS.
It packs 1650mAh battery.