nexGTv has launched the Mobile Entertainment Packs for the first time in India. The plan costs Rs. 349, Rs. 699 & Rs. 1199 respectively and the pricing depends on the subscription packs corresponding to varying subscription durations for nexGTv covering 3-months, 6-months and 12-months respectively. These packs are designed attractively and the packs, containing download, subscription and activation-related information will enable consumers to kick-start their subscriptions on the mobile platform within minutes.
Speaking about the initiative, Mr. G. D. Singh, Director and CEO, Digivive Services said:
“Mobile VAS, especially TV-on-mobile is fast approaching an inflection point with consumers seeking empowerment and the ability to own their buying decision in terms of opting-in for product/ service subscriptions. At the same time, convenience remains paramount for every consumer. Our entertainment packs meet both these needs and will help in not only smoothening and extending the customer’s experience and lifecycle on nexGTv but also bring-to-life the entire mobile entertainment experience, which until now, was solely driven via telco partnerships”.
Mr. G.D. Singh further added:
“As an OTT industry pioneer and market leader having served more than 20m customers, we are expected by our customers to keep innovating and stay ahead of the curve. The industry is rapidly transitioning into an FMCG- avatar and our extended duration packs complement this development, as consumers can now not only buy entertainment off the shelf but, can even gift it to one another. With mass 4G around the corner and 3G & smartphones becoming almost default modes of connectivity across key markets, Mobile TV & Video entertainment is permeating people’s lives like never before and we are on the cusp of massive growth in this area”.
Operating on a ‘freemium’ model, nexGTv now offers multiple options to stay subscribed to its entertainment mix which includes over 130+ Live TV channels, thousands of Bollywood blockbusters, classic and contemporary TV shows, countless Videos on Demand, as well as specially curated content for exclusive viewing, via its weekly, fortnightly and monthly packs as well as extended validity packs of 3/6/12 months. Its single sign-in feature enables multi-screen entertainment across smartphones, tablet and PC / Laptops.