Earlier Motorola has launched the Moto E in India at an initial price of INR 6,999 and later on it is available on exclusively through Flipkart. It is a real competitor in that pricing range with other devices like Lumia 520, Lumia 525, Nokia X and Nokia Asha 503. Already in previous post we compared Motorola Moto E with Moto G, Lumia 520 & 525 and now in this post we are comparing it with Lumia 630 in terms of specifications & sharing discounted pricing of the devices too. Lumia 630 recently announced in India and it is the first Dual-SIM phone that runs on Windows Phone 8.1.
Discounted Pricing of Motorola Moto E vs Lumia 630
Online store | Motorola Moto E | Lumia 630 |
Amazon U.S. | Not Available | Not Available |
Amazon India | Not Available | Not Available |
Flipkart | INR 6,999 | Not Available |
Comparing Specifications Of Motorola Moto E vs Lumia 630
Features |
Motorola Moto E |
Lumia 630 |
Display |
4.3-inch LCD display with resolution of 540 x 960 pixels and it is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass |
4.0-inch FWVGA ClearBlack IPS LCD display with resolution of 480 x 854 pixels |
Processor |
1.2GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 SoC Processor coupled with Adreno 302 |
1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 SoC Processor coupled with adreno 305 |
Memory |
1GB RAM, internal storage of 4GB which is expandable up to 32GB via microSD card |
512MB RAM, internal storage of 8GB which is expandable up to 128GB via microSD card |
Operating System |
Android 4.4.2 KitKat |
Windows Phone 8.1 |
Camera |
5MP rear camera |
5MP rear-camera with autofocus, 720p video recording |
Dimensions (WxHxD) |
124.8 x 64.8 x 12.3 mm |
129.5 x 66.7 x 9.2 mm |
Weight |
142 grams |
134 grams |
Battery |
1980mAh |
1830mAh |