Money View bagges the prestigious Mobile App Award at the GFM 2015 which is hosted by Google India earlier this week. The award was presented by Rajan Anandan, MD Google South East Asia and India, Dev Khare, Early-stage venture investor, Lightspeed India Partners Advisors and Gautam Mago, MD, Sequoia Capital.
Speaking on the occasion Money View’s Co-Founder, Sanjay Agarwal, said
“We are really excited about winning this award. Awards like this are both an encouragement and testament to our team’s hard work and vision of building financial fitness among end users. We would like to thank Google India and all those involved in GFM 2015 for this wonderful recognition.”
In an around 600 start-ups from across the country participated and Money View along with other two start-ups were selected as the winners under the Moble App category. The Money View app is built around the company’s core philosophy of “financial fitness”. With over a million downloads the app acts a personal money manager on-the-go, helping users track expenses, set budgets and manage finances better through various features such as split bills, reimbursable, budget etc.