LINE has announced LINE Sticker Design Competition exclusively for its users in India. Eligible participants can enter this competition by submitting 8 types of LINE stickers. The winner of the contest will receive Rs. 3 Lakhs, while the 9 following finalists will receive Rs. 1.5 Lakhs each and 10 following finalists will receive Rs. 0.5 Lakhs each. The total price of this competition is a whooping Rs. 21,50,000. The contest period is from 10th Dec 2014 – 21st Feb 2015. Round of winners will be announced the 28th Jan 2015 on this site and official LINE account on LINE, Facebook.
Commenting on the launch, Daman Soni, Spokesperson from LINE India, said,
“LINE stickers have played a key role in evolving the way people use messaging applications in India. Users are gradually increasing their consumption of content on LINE and our stickers are a key differentiator which sets us apart from the others. We recently introduced some really exciting features such as ‘Selfie Sticker App’ which lets users convert selfies into stickers and with this campaign, we look forward to engaging our consumers and encouraging them to bring forth their creativity.”
“LINE stickers have played a key role in evolving the way people use messaging applications in India. Users are gradually increasing their consumption of content on LINE and our stickers are a key differentiator which sets us apart from the others. We recently introduced some really exciting features such as ‘Selfie Sticker App’ which lets users convert selfies into stickers and with this campaign, we look forward to engaging our consumers and encouraging them to bring forth their creativity.”
Till date LINE has launched over 25 sets of local stickers in India till date with content focused on daily situations, seasons, Bollywood movies and brands like Opera & VH1 Supersonic. The company is also encouraging localisation and working closely with Indian illustrators and design artists to come up with stickers which are engaging for the Indian audience.
How to Apply
Design a set of 8 LINE stickers which abide by the guidelines below –
Competition schedule
Round 1
Round 2
11.02.2015 to 21.02.2015: LINE users vote for their favorite finalist sticker set by downloading it on LINE Sticker Shop, sticker will also be evaluated by LINE Sticker Contest judges
For taking part in this competition, you need to take four simple steps
a) Submitted image file format: PNG or JPG.
b) Submitted image size: 980 x 1800px.
c) Each sticker should have a maximum size of 370 x 320 px.
d) Each sticker should have a transparent background.
The judging process is fairly simple. 20 finalists will be selected by LINE judges and stickers will be published in LINE Store. Grand Prix Winner and 19 Finalists will then be ranked upon the basis of number of stickers downloaded by LINE users for the next 10 days. They will use user votes, originality of the Character, artistic and Technical Skill and sense of fun, action, and engagements the criteria to award the winners.
The panel of judges include Mr, Dhimant Vyas, a veteran Artist and Animation Film Designer, Award Winning Animator, an alumnus of the National Institute of Design (NID) and Mr. Suresh Eriyat who is the founder and Creative Director of India’s premier Animation studio, Famous House of Animation.