LG Electronics India has launched the company’s latest 4K OLED TV in India at a starting price tag of Rs 3,84,900. The 65-inch 4K OLED TV costs Rs. 5,79,900 while the 55-inch 4K OLED TV costs Rs. 3,84,900. It will be available from selected LG outlets, starting today.
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Howard Lee, Director-Home Entertainment, LG India said:
“Once again LG has proved that is a frontrunner when it comes to innovative technology. With the LG 4K OLED TV, we promise consumers in India the ultimate immersive cinematic experience. Time and again we have initiated groundbreaking innovation and raised the bar not only for ourselves, but for the industry as well. The latest OLED TV underscores LG’s commitment to bringing the best in home entertainment to our consumers.”
According to LG, the combination of 4K ultra high definition and OLED technology is a new benchmark in the flat panel display division. The unique amalgamation offers 33 million color sub-pixels and self-lightning pixels for the most lifelike colours & infinite contrast ratio. it is based on LG’s proprietary WRGB panel technology, the 4K OLED TV features four colour pixel technology which delivers the best picture ever. It also comes with customised inbuilt Harmon Kardon sound which ensures an experience & that’s a treat, visually & acoustically.
LG 4K OLED TV Features
Picture Perfect – LG’s cutting-edge 4K OLED TV features 33 million color sub-pixels and self-lighting pixels, for the most lifelike colors. Sporting with stunningly slender Art Slim design, this new 5.9 mm slim state-of-the-art TV features a perfect curved body for immersive viewing with wide angles. Unlike in the LED TV, each light-producing pixel of the 4K OLED TV is designed to be independently controlled because of which they react directly to electrical signals leading to 1000 times faster response speed than the normal LED TV. This remarkable leap forward in display technology ensures perfection in every aspect from deepest black, life-like colors to clearer motion.
Vivid Color and Infinite Contrast – The features that elevate this television to the next level include its vivid four color pixel technology that adds a white sub-pixel to the conventional red, green and blue pixels. The television also allows for ultimate contrast with independently lit pixels to control their own luminance. Images are now as real as they can get. With self-lighting pixel technology, the TV can range from blazing white to the darkest black with a greater sense of realism and depth in all content.
Sensational Sound Quality – LG 4K OLED TV features exceptional sound quality to match the dynamic picture of the TV. The sound of the world-renowned Harman Kardon is incorporated in the TV to deliver a never-before sound sensation in televisions.
Web OS Smart TV Technology – This TV is equipped with the latest WebOS technology, which lets you enjoy smart TV with convenience, enjoyment, and ease. The launcher menu and home button options help users with easy switching of Live TV programs and smart features from the LG store enabling multiple entertainment options at one place. Users can easily connect their smart phones to the LG smart TV, aiding them to enjoy live sized videos and pictures on their TV screens and control with Magic remote makes it more enjoyable experience.
Magic Remote – This simplicity of the LG WebOS smart TV comes alive with the unique Magic Motion Remote Control. This remote has a simple point and click feature, making it user friendly. It also has a Wheel for scroll function. The Voice Recognition feature installed in the remote makes the TV obey your commands. And it also acts as a Universal Control, thereby giving the user the control of all devices connected with the TV on a single remote.