At Lenovo India Gaming Week, Lenovo showcased the company’s latest ultra-portable gaming laptop – Lenovo Y700-17ISK. It is specifically designed for growing population of working gamers who demand a powerful & stylish machine. It costs Rs. 1,25,000 and will be available for pre-booking exclusively on thedostore from October 1, 2015 onwards & it comes with exiting offer which includes free accessories such as Gaming Surround Sound Headset, Gaming Precision Mouse and Gaming Mouse Mat worth Rs. 9,555. Other gaming accessories such as Lenovo Gaming Mechanical Switch Keyboard worth Rs. 8000 and Lenovo Y Gaming Backpack worth Rs. 8000.
Shailendra Katyal, Director, E-commerce, Strategy and Analytics,
“PC gaming has seen a meteoric rise due to the growth of gamers who are on the go and have access to free-to-play games. The Indian gaming industry is growing exponentially and there is an immense opportunity to cater to the discerning modern gamer who requires a premium PC to play out of the box. Created from ground up to serve this segment, the Y700 offers futuristicdesign, premium build quality and powerful hardware. Packing a punch is the desirable range of accessories which provide an unparalleled gaming experience.”
It features 17.3-inch display and powered by Intel or AMD processors & discrete graphics card to stay immersed in the game.
The Y700 comes full loaded & equipped with features such as powerful JBL speakers, subwoofer and opted thermal cooling, so that gamers can lose themselves completely in a longer gaming session. The Y700 is a rollover of the extremely successful Y50 that is currently available in the market.
Gamers can choose from the following range of accessories to up their game:
- Lenovo Y Gaming Surround Sound Headset: Includes 7.1 virtual surround sound, quick mute and in-line volume adjustment control box and a detachable passive, noise-cancelling microphone. The ergonomic design allows the ear cups to be both foldable and adjustable.
- Lenovo Y Gaming Precision Mouse: Features precise, adjustable speeds, eight programmable buttons, four levels of adjustable DPI, five levels of adjustable weight and an ergonomic design made for intense gaming sessions.
- Lenovo Y Gaming Mechanical Switch Keyboard: Includes backlight anti-ghosting mechanical switch key matrix, six customizable keys for macro recording, five adjustable levels of brightness and a default key for controlling the Lenovo Y Gaming Surround Sound Headset and a detachable palm rest.
- Lenovo Y Gaming Backpack: Includes padded pockets, a protective hard shell compartment and a chest strap for extra carrying support.
- Lenovo Y Gaming Mouse Mat: High reliability and waterproof.