Lenovo has launched the company’s latest laptop cum tablet in India at a starting price tag of Rs. 30,490. All the four laptop cum tablet powered by Intel processor and runs on Windows 8.1. All the four can rotate in 360 degrees depending on your requirements and you can change these into four modes namely – Laptop, Stand, Tent and Tablet. These 2-in-1 laptops cum tablet will be available through Lenovo Exclusive store across India and the thedostore.com online.
Commenting on the launch, Ashok Nair, National Sales Director, Lenovo, said:
Globally we are the leaders in the consumer convertible PC space. We achieved this by constantly innovating and stretching the boundaries of what a PC stands for. The YOGA franchise is the representation of this consumer-centric design and engineering. We are happy to make the YOGA franchise, through this new line of products, accessible to a much wider audience.