Lava International Limited has launched the company’s latest 4G VoLTE smartphone in the X-series – Lava X28 in India at a price tag of Rs. 7,349. It comes in Coffee, Silver & Gold colours and it will be available across all retail stores. It also supports 12 Indian languages and equipped with ‘Transliterate Feature’ which helps users in easy translation of English language in their respective native languages and vice-versa. It comes with 1 year manufacturer warranty for the phone and 6 months warranty for the in-box accessories which include battery, headset, screen guard, charger and a USB Cable. At such a price tag, it will compete with Coolpad Mega 2.5D, Moto E3 Power, Xiaomi Redmi 3S and few more.
On the specifications front, it features 5.5-inch HD display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and it is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor which is paired with 1GB of RAM. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and it has 8GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 32GB via microSD card.
On the photography front, it features 8MP rear-camera with LED support and 5MP front-facing camera with LED flash too for selfie & video-calling. It comes with features such as ‘Slow Motion Video’ for recording videos in slow motion and catching every detail. There is ‘Time Lapse Video’ feature which record video in fast forward mode as well as ‘Face Beauty’ feature to beautify Selfies. It also features full HD (1080p) video playback and recording which intensifies the entertainment experience.
It has dual-SIM support and connectivity features like 4G VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth.
It packs 2600mAh battery and it comes with power saver mode.
The Lava X28 comes with ‘Google Now on Tap’ feature, with a simple press and hold of the home button, consumers can search without having to leave the current activity on the phone. The ‘Doze’ feature enhances the battery life of the phone by making it to go into a sleep state when it detects that the device is either unplugged, stationary or on screen off mode.The other useful features are‘Smart Gesture’ which allows users to get easy and direct access to apps and features by simply gesturing to the phone – such as w for browser, m for music, v for video player and more.