Karbonn Mobiles has introduced company’s first VR glasses in India. It will be available with newly launched VR smartphone range which includes Karbonn Quattro L52 and Karbonn Titanium Mach 6. The Karbonn VR Glasses made of sturdy ABS plastic fibre and offer an enhanced, life-like viewing experience. The Karbonn VR Glasses has implications for variety of users including entertainment buffs, gamers, educationists, fashionistas, archeologists. etc.
Speaking on the launch Mr. Shashin Devsare, Executive Director, Karbonn Mobiles says:
“Virtual reality is the next big growth area in consumer technology. As per a recent report, the global Virtual Reality market is expected to touch an estimated $120bn by 2020. While the technology offers huge growth potential in India with the burgeoning Smartphone market, affordability would be key to encourage mass adoption. Karbonn’s VR glasses available with Karbonn Quattro L52 and Mach Six are an effort to address this challenge by bringing VR technology to consumers across economic spectrum at disruptive price-points in the under 10K bracket. We are optimistic about the consumer response and are confident that Karbonn’s range of VR Smartphones will be a key cog in bringing the benefits of VR technology to the masses.”
The glasses come fitted with bi-convex lenses which augment a video to provide a theatre-like experience which makes it a highly useful tool for archiving walk-throughs of popular historical monuments, museums etc. It also takes entertainment to a whole new level by enabling viewers to enjoy films, music videos and other entertainment clips on Karbonn Quattro L52 and Karbonn Mach Six with a big-screen experience within the comfort of home. Both the devices come pre-embedded with a library of engaging games and video content to delight the customers. Users can also create their own VR videos using the pre-embedded VR app.