iBall has launched the new budget Android smartphone – Andi 4Di in India at an initial price of Rs 5,995 and it is available in Black + Silver and White + Chrome colour. iBall Andi 4Di features 4-inch WVGA display, 1GHz processor, runs on Android 4.0, 512MB of RAM, 512MB of internal storage which is expandable with microSD card. It has 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and VGA camera in front. It packs 1700mAh battery and has dual SIM support.
iBall Andi 4Di Specifications
- 4-inch IPS display with 800x480p resolution
- 1GHz Cortex A9 Processor
- 5MP rear camera with LED flash, VGA camera
- 1700 mAh Battery
- Android 4.0
- 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP, GPS
- 512MB RAM, 512MB of internal storage, and microSD card slot
- G-Sensor, Proximity Sensor, Light Sensor.
- Colours: Black + Silver, White + Chrome