Dula-Sim version of the HTC One flagship limited to several markets like India, China and Russia. Dual-Sim variant of HTC One is now getting Android 4.2.2 update before the worldwide version of the HTC One flagship, which is still running on 4.1.2.
The update brings a number of improvements to both the Android base and HTC’s customizations and some bug fixes:
- A widget-enabled lockscreen
- Widget panel enabled
- Quick toggles in the notification area plus smaller enhancements like rearranging homescreen panes
- Battery percentage in the status bar
- Options for the Home button to remove the on-screen Menu button
- AE/AF lock feature: Lock exposure/ Focus at viewfinder screen
- New Zoe file format for better file management.
The update size is 175MB and is only for the dual-SIM version of the phone. The update forĀ the worldwide version of the HTC One flagship would come out soon. HTC playing it safe, wait for the Android 4.2 update for the global version is still on.
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