Earlier, HTC announced the One Max globally and now the company is all set to launch HTC One Max in India next week at an initial price of INR 56,000. Considering the price-tag, the HTC One Max seems bit pricey and paying too much amount just for a phone isn’t good. Apart from HTC One Max phone launch, HTC is also planning to launch HTC One Mini+ and the HTC Fetch.
According to Faisal Siddiqui, country head of HTC India said,
We will be launching HTC 1 Max priced at Rs 56,000 and two accessories — HTC 1 MiniPlus (Rs 5,000) and Phone Finder (Rs 2,500) — in the Indian market next week,” Siddiqui said.
If you do not know, the HTC One Max features 5.9-inch full HD display, 1.7GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor and Adreno 320 GPU, 2GB RAM, 16GB/32GB of internal storage along with microSD card slot expandability up to 64GB, runs on Android 4.3. It has 4MP Ultrapixel camera, 2MP front camera and 50GB of free Google Drive Space. The HTC One max also comes with HTC Sense 5.5, HTC Sense 5.5 adds new features to HTC One Max’s interface.
Now, coming to the accessories, HTC Mini+ and Fetch expected to be priced at INR 5,000 and INR 2,500 respectively as said by Faisal Siddiqui.
HTC Mini+: It is a companion device for select 2013 HTC Android models and can work as a phone, camera remote, or even TV remote when connected to your phone.
HTC Fetch: It is a keychain accessory, which can activate your phone’s ringtone in case you can’t find your phone. The device has a working range of 15meters.
[Source] Business Standard