Google India unveiled the much awaited Nexus 5X in India at a starting price tag of Rs. 31,990. It comes in Carbon Black, Quartz White and ice Blue colours and it is available exclusive on The pre-order will start from today at 2:00 P.M. and it will go on sale through Amazon & offline stores from October 21st, 2015. The 16GB variant costs R.s 31,990 while the 32GB variant costs Rs. 35,900. As a promotional offer, it comes with free Bluetooth headset worth Rs. 2,500, free screen replacement worth Rs. 6,500 and cash back offer worth Rs. 3,500 on HDFC credit cards.
Commenting on the launch, Kim Ki-Wan, Managing Director, LG India, said:
“The partnership between LG and Google goes way back to the time when we launched our first Nexus device together, LG Nexus 4 followed by the LG Nexus 5. Today, as we announce the third Nexus smartphone from LG, the Nexus 5X, along with Google, we can say with pride that we complement each other’s strengths and the Nexus 5X will reflect the mutual trust and respect the two companies have for each other.”
On the specifications front, it features 5.2-inch full HD display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and it is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3. It is powered by Hexa-Core Snapdragon 808 ( 4x 1.44GHz ARM A53 + 2 x 1.8 GHz ARM A57 ) 64-bit processor with Adreno 418 GPU & 2GB of RAm. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and has 16GB/32GB in-built memory.
On the imaging front, it features 12.3-megapixel rear-camera with dual-tone LED Flash and 5-megapixel front-facing camera for selfie & video-calling.
It has single nano SIM card slot and has connectivity features like 4G LTE / 3G, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2×2 MIMO dual-band, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS, NFC, USB Type-C.
It packs 2700mAh battery.
It has fingerprint sensor which is called as Nexus Imprint on the back for secured lock and payments using Android pay. It also has a reversible USB Type-C port and features always-on Google Now feature that works even when the screen is off.