Gionee unveiled the Elife E7 at a launch event in Greater Noida and it is the company’s first Snapdragon 800-powered smartphone. It went on sale at a price tag of INR 26,999 and available in India in two variants – one powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset that clocked at 2.5GHz quad-core Krait 400 processor and 3GB RAM, along with 4G LTE support and 32GB internal storage. The second variant offers 3G support and 16GB internal storage along with 2GB RAM and powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset that clocked at 2.2GHz quad-core Krait 400 processor. I already shared the First Impressions of the smartphone and now in this post I’m sharing the image gallery of the smartphone. The company claims the Elife E7 to pack the best Android camera on the market.
The Elife E7 features a gorgeous 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display based on One Glass Solution technology from JDI with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. The screen is quite sharp with a pixel density of 400ppi. It has a 2.33mm ultra-narrow frame. It is powered by quad-core Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974) processor & coupled with Adreno 330 GPU and runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with Amigo 2.0 UI on top. The new UI has double tap to wake up, option to draw gestures to go directly into the customized corresponding app and wake up the phone with voice control.
Read Here: Gionee Elife E7 Review
Below the display there are three capacitive buttons.
The most interesting specification of the smartphone is the camera, the Elife E7 has 16MP auto-focus rear-camera with Largan M8 lens 1/2.3-inch sensor with large 1.34 µm pixels, 5 elements of Sapphire Lens. The new Amigo enables users to take photos with voice control, touch, smile and v-gesture.
It also has a 8MP auto-focus front-facing camera.
It comes in two variants, 2GB RAM with 16GB internal memory or 3GB with 32GB internal memory. It lacks a microSD card slot. It has 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, USB, OTG and NFC. It packs a 2,500mAh non-removable battery with advanced battery saving technologies.
It comes with a free protective cover.