ASUS has launched the company’s gaming laptop – ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX at a price tag of Rs. 3,49,990 and it will be available online and offline starting from March 11th, 2019. The ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX comes with an impressive design, narrow bezels and the key highlights are NVIDIA RTX graphics cards in the Max-Q form factor and the processor along with other internal things.
Just to let you know that before the official launch of ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX, I got some time to play with it and based on my experience I’m sharing the first impressions with you. The first impressions based on general usages and casual gaming.
Build And Design of ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX
The ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX comes with an impressive, comparatively much sleeker and modern looking design. The GX701GX has extremely thin bezels and to achieve the thin bezels, the company has removed the webcam from the top. Now, there is an external webcam which can be connected via USB and it supports a resolution of 1080p with a refresh rate of 60fps. The external webcam can be mounted over the display or it can be placed on the desk using the stand provided by the company. In addition to this, the GX701GX comes with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPU with the Max-Q design, it reduces the bulk and weight of the design.
In terms of design, it features a 17-inch display panel with a 144Hz refresh rate along with a 3ms response time. The display comes with Pantone validated screen indicating for better color accuracy and a factory calibrated display useful for content creators.
Apart from the improvements in the design and the form factor, the laptop comes with a transformer-like air intake at the bottom of the device. The bottom intake is known as “ROG Active Aerodynamic System” and the main components cool include five heat pipes, four heatsinks, and two cooling fans. The bottom lid of the device can be easily opened up to create a significant airflow intake. According to the company claims, the laptop managed to take “up to 32 percent” more air as compared to the previous designs. In addition to this, the company also claims that the anti-dust air tunnels help them to keep the heatsink in the laptop clean and it maintains the cooling capacity and stability of the system over extended periods of use.
The GX701GX comes with per-key RGB lighting with support for Aura Sync and the lighting effects can be controlled by using the ROG Armoury Crate Software. You will also find the same mechanism in the touchpad, it can double up as a numpad on this laptop. For volume control, there’s a volume wheel and you can increase or decrease the volume as per your requirements. The volume control is located on the left side of the body, and on the right side above the keyboard. On the connectivity side, there are enough options for you to connect multiple peripherals and you’ll still have two more USB ports for use once the mouse is connected to the laptop.
Performance of ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX
As said above, got sometime to play with GX701GX and based on the time spent I can say that it has impressive raw power. The GX701GX is powered by Intel Core i7 8750H Hexa-Core processor which is paired with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 with Max-Q design and 8GB RAM. The laptop was able to push higher frame rates and generates a lot of noise during my usage.
We all know that gaming laptops drain a lot of battery whenever you play games. When it comes to GX701GX, the company has added a GPU switch that turns off the discrete graphics and shifts the workload over the CPU.
From a hardware point of view, the GX701GX can take on content creation use-cases and balance the force with raw potential.
Final Thoughts
The initial impressions of the Asus ROG Zephyrus S GX701GX extremely impressed us be it design, or performance or as an overall package. With GX701GX, the company has listened to the gaming community and took bold decisions to remove the webcam along with the top of the line hardware specifications. We are hoping to receive the unit and as soon as we get it will share more details about the product.