Coolpad has launched the company’s latest smartphone in the Note series – Coolpad Note 5 in India at a price tag of Rs. 10,999. It is the successor of Coolpad Note 3 that was launched last year. The Coolpad Note 5 comes with number of feature like unibody metal design, 2.5D curved glass on the front, upgraded hardware and more. At such a price tag, it will compete with other smartphone like Xiaomi Remdi Note 3 and LeEco Le 2. All these smartphone are quite popular and comparison based on the price, specifications & features.
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Display, Processor, RAM and Storage:
All the three smartphone feature 5.5-inch Full HD display. The Coolpad Note 5 comes with 2.5D curved glass while there is nothing as such in other smartphone.
The Coolpad Noe 5 is powered by 64-bit Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 processor which is paired with 4GB of RAM. It has 32GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 64GB via microSD card.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is powered by Hexa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 processor which is paired with. It comes in two variant – 2GB RAM with 16GB in-built memory and 3GB RAM with 32GB in-built memory which can be expanded further up to 128GB via microSD card.
The LeEco Le 2 is powered by Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor. It has 3GB of RAM and 32GB in-built memory.
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The Coolpad Note 5 features 13-megapixel rear-camera with LED flash, f/2.2 and 8-megapixel selfie camera with LED flash, f/2.2.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 16-megapixle rear-camera with dual tone LED flash and 4-megapixel selfie camera for selfie & video-calling.
The LeEco Le 2 features 16-megapixel rear-camera with dual tone LED flash, 4K video-recording and 8-megapixel selfie-camera for video-calling.
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Operating System:
All the four smartphone runs on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow operating system. While the UI is different on every smartphone, Coolpad Note 5 has Cool UI 8.0 on top of it, XIaomi has MIUI 8 on top of it and LeEco Le 2 has EUI on top of it.
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All four smartphone has dual-SIM card slot and comes with connectivity features like 4G LTE & VoLTE voice calling support, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth and GPS. The Coolpad Note 5 & Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 comes with microUSB connectivity feature while the LeEco Le 2 comes with USB Type-C port for charging & data transfer. Even though on LeEco Le 2 doesn’t have 3.5mm audio port and there is Type-C for audio and the technology knows as CDLA technology.
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The Coolpad Note 5 packs 4,010mAh battery and it comes with quick charge support.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 packs 4,050mAh battery.
Th LeEco Le 3 packs 3,000mAh batteur and it comes with quick charge 3.0 support.
Coolpad Note 5 First Look And Specifications
All three smartphone comes with fingerprint sensor. According to Coolpad, the fingerprint sensor unlocks the Note 5 in 0.5 seconds while the Xiaomi claims that, it unlocks the Redmi Note 3 in 0.3 seconds.
Price and availability:
The Coolpad Note 5 costs Rs. 10,999 and will be available for purchase on starting from October 20th, 2016. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 costs Rs. 9,999 for the 2GB RAM + 16GB in-built memory while the 3GB RAM + 32GB in-built memory costs Rs. 11,999 and it can be purchased from and The LeEco Le 2 cost Rs 11,999 and it can be purchased exclusively via Flipkart or
On paper, At a price tag of Rs. 10,999, the Coolpad Note 5 comes with decent specifications. It totally depends on the consumer what they prefer in the price segment.