Coolpad has launched the company’s latest & first VR headset – Cool VR 1x in India at a price tag of Rs. 999. It is available exclusively on starting today, June 24th. In addition to this, the company has plans to launch power banks and smartwatch this year.
Commenting on the launch, Syed Tajuddin, CEO, Coolpad India said:
“With visual reality being the new fun gadget for the Y generation and fast catching up with youth, we are eager to enter this space and offer the ‘Cool VR’ to our fans. This launch is in line with our strategy to bring Coolpad’s accessories to the Indian market and we will be soon unveiling other products in this growing segment such as Power Bank and Smart Watch by 2016.”
“According to a recent report, the global VR market is expected to touch an estimated $120 billion by 2020 and India, with its huge smartphone base, is set to become the largest VR market. The timing is perfect for the launch of wearable products in India and with our superior technology offering, we are confident in generating favorable response in this segment as well like we did in the smartphones segment.”
The Cool VR 1x has customizable lenses which lets you optimise the focal length and object distance. It offers 95-100 degree wide-viewing angle and a smartphone with 4.7-inch to 5.7-inch display can be easily fitted in it. All you have to slide the smartphone that fits in the slot easily. It also has straps by which it says steady even when you are moving your head.
Apart from this, Coolpad says that VR headset is compatible with Coolpad Note 3, Note 3 Lite, Note 3 Plus, Coolpad Max and it recommends devices equipped with HD screens and above for an enhanced VR experience.