It’s Comparison time, folks! Here we’re comparing two high-end, powerful and impressive smartphones – Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Sony Xperia Z. Just out of a clash with the HTC One ( Galaxy S4 vs HTC One) and its own predecessor Galaxy S III (Galaxy S4 vs Galaxy S III), the Samsung Galaxy S4 is about to fight it out with another spotlight-stealer high-end powerful Sony smartphone.
If you’re trying to decide between these two Android heavyweights this specs-by-specs comparison will help you out.
The Xperia Z is clearly a smartphone made to not just compete, but to win. But against Galaxy S4, not going to be easy win. Both smartphones stand out alone on many standards. Completely different ideas stand behind the Sony Xperia Z and the Samsung Galaxy S4. These two are definitely in the running for best smartphone of the year.
So what’s your idea says about these impressive smartphones, which one will win for you? Share your views via comments.