Earlier Apple iPad Air goes on sale in India on December 7th at an initial price of INR 35,900 for 16GB and now today it is available on Amazon India. In case, if you didn’t get one for yourself, then you can order from Amazon India right now. As mentioned on Amazon India, iPad Air is in stock on December 12 and it is sold by Cromaretail & fulfilled by Amazon. Estimated delivery date is 18-December – 24 December and available as a gift message (if you want to gift someone/friends).
The iPad Air tablet is 20% thinner, 28% lighter and has 43% smaller bezels than last year’s iPad 4. The iPad Air features a 9.7-inch Retina display, weighs 453 grams and it is 7.5mm thick. The tablet runs on 64-bit A7 chip and the M7 motion co-processor that was introduced recently with the iPhone 5S. The starting price of the new iPad Air is Rs 35,900, whereas the top model costs Rs 65,900.
The 32GB, 64GB and 128GB iPad Air Wi-Fi only models priced at Rs. 42,900, Rs. 49,900 and Rs. 56,900 respectively. The 16GB iPad Air with cellular connectivity is priced at Rs. 44,900. The 32GB, 64GB and 128GB models is priced at Rs. 51,900, Rs. 58,900 and Rs. 65,900 respectively.
Click Here to Order iPad Air 16GB (Wi-Fi Only)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 32GB (Wi-Fi Only)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 128GB (Wi-Fi Only)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 16GB (Wi-Fi + Cellular)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 32GB (Wi-Fi + Cellular)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 64GB (Wi-Fi + Cellular)
Click Here to Order iPad Air 128GB (Wi-Fi + Cellular)
Apple iPad Air 64GB Wi-Fi only model is not available right now on Amazon India website. Hit the link below to check the price of all the available iPad Air models of different variants and colors.