Lava launched the Iris 504Q+ back in April this year and after three months, the Indian smartphone vendor has rolled out the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update. The Android KitKat update offer an improved user experience through an enhanced user interface. A new dialer app has also been introduced in he update, it let users to automatically prioritize contacts according to the most frequently dialed numbers in the phone book. In addition to this, the battery life also improved & deliver better performance.
Your phone will get a notification for the Android update or alternatively you can head over to Settings>About Phon> System updates. You will also need a memory card to download the Android update
The Lava Iris launched at an initial price tag of Rs. 14,990 and now it is available at a discounted price of Rs 11,990. It comes in Grey & Silver colours and smart flip cover that puts phone automaticaly in sleep mode ensuring reduced battery consumption.
Lava Iris 504Q+ features a 5-inch HD display and it is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor which is paired with Mali 400 GPU. It has 1GB of RAM and 8GB in-built memory which can be further expanded up to 32GB via microSD card.
On the imaging front it has 10-megapixel rear-camera with Sony EXMOR RS Sensor and 2-megapixel front-facing camera for selfie & video calling.
It packs 2,000mAh battery and according to company claims it is good enough for 200 hours on standby mode. It has connectivity features like dual-SIM card slots, 3G support, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 3.0.