LG has started rolling out the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for its flagship smartphone – LG G2. The update is now available for download via the OTA service to the international variant of the smartphone and it will eventually start rolling out to other regions. It could take a few days or weeks before the Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware update becomes available for your LG G2.
The update will bring you the latest Android OS version with all of its improvements including faster performance, better battery life, plus enhanced Knock On feature. In addition, LG has also added few features of its own.
Here is the official change log
- Improved user interface with Android 4.4 KitKat: The latest version of Android includes enhancements such as restyled status and navigation bars, a new full-screen mode, improved closed captioning support, and stronger security.
- Improved battery efficiency: the phone plays music more efficiently and supports the battery-saving location mode, extending battery life.
- Faster processing speed: The latest version of Android provides a noticeable speed boost that runs applications 17 percent faster than before and web-browsing speed is improved with the Chromium engine.
- Printing in the Cloud: Google Cloud Printer makes it simple to print documents via Wi-Fi or a Bluetooth connection.
- Enhanced “Knock On” feature: The responsiveness of LG’s Knock On feature has been improved.
Have you received KitKat updated on your LG G2 yet? Check for the latest software update update on your handset.