Bharti Airtel said that its Treasury division has been adjudged as a highly commended winner of the Top Treasury Team (Asia) Awards at the Adam Smith Asia Awards 2015. The Treasury division was also the overall winner of the Adam Smith Asia Award 2015 in the First Class Relationship Management category, where Airtel has been recognised for fostering outstanding relationships across the ecosystem – lenders across banks, NBFCs & multilateral agencies as well as rating agencies, debt & equity investors and analysts. This year over 200 nominations received from broad range of companies in terms of size & industry sector.
Harjeet Kohli, Group Treasurer. Bharti Airtel said,
“We are delighted to receive the Awards. The recognition allows us to look back and appreciate the depth and breadth of what has been achieved while pushing us to raise the bar for the future. Our focus continues to be a strong business partner – enabling superior business growth, via a diversified and deep financing pool, risk & liquidity management and effective navigation of global markets.”
If you do not know, the Adam Smith Awards are recognised globally as the ultimate benchmark for achievement in strategies of treasury management that showcase the industry’s best and demonstrate exceptional innovation in the Asia corporate treasury arena.